
Entertainment for Life



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Anne Smith faces the end of a human era and the beginning of an alien alliance—united but unique in Last of Her Kind.  Humanity’s next adventure is on the horizon in Last of Her Kind and Newearth Justine Awakens.

Worlds where deception rules but truth prevails



Original music by Brenden Mezzetti—an amazing musician and composer.

Thanks, Brenden!

“In the tradition of some of the greatest stories in the genre, Frailey takes a page from our current world issues and weaves it into an intriguing story of global & personal conflict.” ~2nd Assistant Director, NB Thrilling Films 2 Inc. Ben Hrkach

iphone手机如何上外网is an inspiring triumph of faith and perseverance in the shadow of the impending apocalypse. Frailey’s emotionally captivating writing reminds the reader what it means to be human.” ~Nick Lauer —Journalist and Actor



After being shut down for seventy years, Justine Santana awakens on Newearth with a chance to start over. The alien who rescued her has only one request—kill the man she loves. Her freedom hangs in the balance.

4月19日软件更新[精华]-红豆社区:2021-4-20 · 标题: 4月19日软件更新[精华] (您是本帖第781个阅读者|本帖回复: 8) —GSD

 “…a very interesting read. It will entertain, but also make you think. It is very well written, with amazing characters, a stunning plot, and a pace that really fits the story.” —McEvoy

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